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Pleiadian Portal

Meet DiYeena the Pleiadian

DiYeena is a Pleiadian wisdom keeper and representative of the Pleiadian Family as part of the Galactic Federation. She comes here with the message of Remembering Love.


How do we remember Love?

How do we embody Love?

How do we be Love?

How do we share Love?

How do we move from Love in every moment?


Bring your heartfelt questions to her in this online environment as she brings new life and perspective to your old stories.

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Monday Q&A

Do you have a question for DiYeena? Submit your question below and consider subscribing to Ava's YouTube channel where DiYeeana answers questions from the community every single Monday.*

*We cannot guarantee all questions will be answered during these public Pleiadian channeling sessions. If you have specific or personal questions for Diyeena or other Wisdom Keepers of Love, please consider booking a private reading here.

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