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Magdalene Mysteries

Pink Flower

Divine Union


Receive the first initiation (practice) from the lost teachings of The Living Ma. These teachings were used and practiced by Jesus and Mary Magdalene (among many others) and are the foundational practices used for both couples and individuals who are dedicated to activating the power of Divine Union and the remembrance of Love.

Image by Lauza Loistl

the one we call...

Magdalene is the recognizable name from an intergalactic collective who are tapped into and practice the living spiral of knowledge known as "The Living Ma."

The Living Ma contains some familiar names we know from our history here on Earth, including Mary Magdalene, Mary Mother of Jesus, St. Paul (Apostle Paul), Isis, and others. 

This collective also includes many off-planet beings who are teachers and bringers of the lost teachings of Love, divine union, the creative power of the masculine & feminine energetics, and more.

your power to create


Listen in as Magdalene discusses the ingredients of creation using immaculate conception as an example. Magdalene clearly lays out how you can create anything you desire when you understand how to work with the building blocks of creation. A fascinating channeled message.

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