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Ava Orah


Ava Orah

trance channel & intuitive guide

Ava Orah is a trance channel and highly acclaimed intuitive who helps lightworkers, starseeds, leaders, and healers who are here to anchor in the new earth 5D frequency.


Ava is an ordained Essene Priestess with a Masters in Pastoral Counseling and a meditation expert of over 20 years.


Ava Orah is a channel for a living spiral of knowledge known as "The Living Ma." She channels the spiral itself and high-frequency beings who are a vibrational match for The Living Ma. This includes the Pleiadians, Magdalene, Mother Mary, St. Paul, Isis, the Hathors, and many more. Ava and these beings are here to help us anchor in the new earth frequencies of love, play, and authenticity during this time of personal and planetary change.

Ava lives in Vermont, U.S.A. where she maintains a private practice as an intuitive leader and hosts regular online offerings. She co-facilitates women's retreats and offers couples retreats with her husband, Yeshua who also co-facilitates men's retreats. Ava is blessed by her husband Yeshua and her three children Izaiyah, Ebanni, and Esmé.

a short story


Ava's journey into channeling wasn't exactly a traditional one—if such a thing exists. Ava lived her childhood years in a traditional Midwestern family in the US with a Lutheran minister for a father. Let's just say channeling extraterrestrial beings wasn't exactly the topic of discussion around the dinner table. Nor would it have been because these topics never held (and still don't hold) a natural interest for Ava. You won't find Ava researching the Pleiadians, learning about the different types of extraterrestrial races that exist, debating if UFO's are real, or discovering what extraterrestrial living habits are on other planets.

Ava also has never had an interest in channeling. She's never read a book on it, studied it, or taken a course on how to channel. Her journey of quieting her mind, clearing her vessel, and getting out of the way took on a slightly different flavor.

From 2006-2014, Ava immersed herself in an ashram-like environment studying Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism, eating a high-frequency raw vegan diet with regular green juice fasting, and meditating upwards of 6 hours per day at peak intensity. Her teacher during this time is an acknowledged enlightened being in the Nityandanda lineage. During her time there, she was ordained as an Essene Priestess and initiated as a spiritual teacher at the retreat center where she facilitated meditation programs and retreats.

It was during this cycle of teaching and offering spiritual counsel at a world-renowned retreat center that she was first made aware of her gift of channeling. Oftentimes when answering questions during satsang (spiritual Q&A), the answers would simply flow through her in a way where she too would be learning new things and receiving information she hadn't heard before. At the time, she wasn't aware this was a form of channeling.


There were other events along the way that pointed to Ava's channeling ability. One such moment was when Ava received a session from another trance channeler years before her public channeling career began. During that session, the guides told Ava, "You are so psychic. Could you see yourself doing what this channeler does? Because you will. Oh, you will." At the time, Ava had no interest in channeling and brushed it off completely, not even remembering what had been said in that session until DiYeena of the Pleiadian Family came through for the first time (which is a story in and of itself).


It was finally in 2021 that Ava began channeling publicly when her main guide, DiYeena of the Pleiadian Family came through and informed Ava that it was now time to bring this information forward for others to receive.

Ava now channels DiYeena, Magdalene, and other high-frequency beings within the collective called "The Living Ma." She does this freely and openly with joy, gratitude, wonderment, and awe.


The Living Ma

Enter a world where Love is remembered on the deepest level. Explore the channeled teachings from The Living Ma, including DiYeena of the Pleiadian Family (Ava's gatekeeper), Magdalene, Isis, the Hathors, St. Paul, and many more Ascended Masters, Angels, and Starseeds. These beings, who speak through trance channel, Ava Orah, bring forth the lost teachings (and the simplest reminders) of Love. They come to remind us of


the human power of creation and manifestation

how to anchor in the New Earth frequency

divine union and the balance of masculine and feminine energies

our relationship with Mother Earth

DNA activation and upgrades

how to access our dormant powers of intuition including telepathy

and much more.


Explore the channelings.

Expand your consciousness.

Remember the power of Love.

the essence of the living ma


Paul: "We need to communicate the essence of what you call lineage so that you have a clearer understanding of what it is that communicates through you. You notice your body moving in a spiral. This is a practice. This is something your soul knows so deeply. And in moments of kundalini activation and awakening over the years, this has been a familiar movement. As you circle counterclockwise from the hips as you sit, you move in the spiral of knowledge, which is living through frequency and form.


So, it is a living spiral of knowledge. It is not a lineage. And it is available for anyone who is capable of matching and holding its frequency. Much in the way that some of your humans are available to read what you call the Akashic Records, so is this spiral of knowledge available to those who merit it.


So, it is not a lineage of Isis, as Isis was simply an open channel for this spiral of knowledge and was able to receive the vastness of the teachings and the frequency and the essence and was able to communicate that essence in a way that allowed for others who did not have quite as open of a channel to still be able to practice and make quite a bit of progress. And your being [Ava] holds not only the essence of the Magdalene, but the essence of Isis and her teachers. So, your communications include the teacher and the student, and the full range the experiences held within."


Ava: “So, was the spiral of knowledge the essence of it? If it wasn’t the Isis lineage, what did you call it?”


Paul: “You knew it as The Living Ma.”


Ava: “What does that mean?”


Paul: “It contains the frequency of death, birth, life, and rebirth and the cycle within. As you feel your body switching to clockwise [spiraling from the hips], you tap into the essence I speak of—The Living Ma."


Ava: “So, what is the name the collective would like to be known as—both publicly and privately—if there is a difference?”


Paul: “At a certain level of consciousness, there are no keepers of the wisdom. It is simply the spiraling of the knowledge itself. It is simply The Living Ma."

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